Rediscovering The Rural Family: participatory methods for female empowerment and the social inclusion of youth

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Rediscovering The Rural Family: participatory methods for female empowerment and the social inclusion of youth 2021-11-09T18:27:26-03:00

Project Description

Rediscovering The Rural Family

Participatory methods for female empowerment and the social inclusion of youth

This book aims to present the actions of the Sustainable Rural Project (PRS) – Atlantic Forest and Amazon, that aimed at valuing and strengthening the role of women and youth in the Brazilian agriculture. PRS Atlantic Forest and Amazon contributes in many ways to addressing major changes in Brazilian agriculture, whether by protecting, restoring and managing natural resources sustainably, or by increasing the resilience of ecosystems and the services they provide. This book brings us not only the results of the Low-carbon Agriculture Project, but also tells us about the philosophy adopted, which steered each step taken by the executing team. This book shows us that the project dared to put into practice actions aimed at all dimensions of sustainability, including the affective.

Authors: Melissa Curi, Gabriela Litre, Marília Ramos, Roberta Roxilene dos Santos, Luís Tadeu Assad e Barbara Brakarz.

ISBN: 978-65-87999-22-7

Brasília – DF, 2021.


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